November 2014 was one of the coldest Novembers on record in the US because of the Arctic Blast. Thankfully, living in Arizona, we aren’t experiencing the arctic cold & snowfall that other parts of the country are exposed to. Arizonans still need to consider heating for a few months every winter. Here are some AC by J tips to help you lower your heating costs. Free heat from the sun – open south-facing window treatments during the day. Remember to close them when the sun sets to keep the warm air in & the cold air out.
Programmable thermostat – set the temperature lower when you’re gone during the day & at night when you are comfortably snuggled into bed. Need a programmable thermostat? AC by J can install this energy-saving device for you. Heating system maintenance – annual maintenance is required to keep your heating & cooling system working efficiently. AC by J can keep your heating system running smoothly.
Save by becoming a Comfort Club Membership. Receive the wintertime guarantee. Only heat rooms you use –close the vents in rooms that are not being used to direct the flow of warm air to rooms you use regularly. Invest in a humidifier – moist air holds heat better & feels warmer than dry air. A humidifier will help you feel comfortable when your thermostat is set at a lower temperature. House plants can also help to humidify your home.